Getting Started

28 08 2011

For anyone that still doesn’t know, Tom was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma a few months ago & will begin treatment tomorrow. He starts at the West County Siteman Center while they administer his first meds so they can carefully observe him. This should take about 8 hours, then we will transfer to downtown Barnes & be there for about a week. Then he will have two weeks off & have a second round Sept. 19th.

We have been so blessed by tons of family & friends thru a facebook site, entitled “The Stines Need A Vacation.” We also had some dear friends let us use their Florida condo so we could have a getaway before all the chemo starts. This last weekend has been a tough one but once again all of you have carried us through. Tom has had peach pies, fried pickles, books, photos & CD’s all delivered to him this weekend. He has had numerous texts, phone calls, hugs. & encouragement. He is nervous but ready to get this started. Stay tuned for daily updates.